Winner’s 2019

Category  PrizeWinnerEntry
Children1stGirlguiding LiphookHakuna Matata
 2ndLiphook ScoutsToystory
Adult1stLiphook In BloomFlower Mill
 2ndTwins of LiphookFun House (20 years old)
Trade1stDPM LeadworkCluedo
 2ndWhite JoineryWhite Joinery Superheroes
Walkers1stBob CorneScarecrow
 2ndRock ChoirLiphook
 3rdFindlays Flowers101 Dalmatians
Push & Pull1stGrayshott StagersHONK!
Pubs & Clubs1stMAD CompanyAladin
 2ndDeer’s HutMoon Landing
 3rdLiphook Social ClubBullseye
Best Classic/Vintage Car1st  
The John Carver Best Newcomer1stRock ChoirLiphook
Tim Wheatley Memorial Cup1stMAD CompanyAladdin
Overall1stDeer’s HutMoon Landing
Best Illuminated1stLiphook In BloomFlower Mill
Best on the Move1stMAD CompanyAladdin